PSIR Optional

Democratic peace theory in liberal theory of IR

  • Democratic Peace Theory 
    • Scholar – Michael Doyle.
    • Source of Influence – I. Kant.
    • Theme – The two countries having democracy do not go for war with each other. It means if democracy becomes universal there will be peace.
      • Democracies form zones of peace. It is not a formal institution but a sphere like EU. Zone of peace represent democratic culture. Democratic culture is culture of toleration. In democracy people developed the habit of resolving their disputes peacefully.
      • Democratic peace theory is one of the most controversial theories because it provide justification for democracy promotion done by USA and at times at gun point. It has made world more unsafe. The theory has non logical basis, so far no two democracies have gone for war, it does not mean –
        • Democracy was the factor.
        • The two democracies have not gone for war may just be coincidence.
        • There is not guarantee that in future, they’ll not go for war.
      • India should neither support democracy in its neighbour nor make any attempt to micromanage affairs of neighbour.
      • Best approach to deal with S. Asian countries is Panchsheel. No interference in respecting sovereignty, terrestrial integrity, mutual respect and benefit.