PSIR Optional

Feminist theory of IR

Feminist theory of IR

  • Feminist Perspective of IR – 
    • Acc to Cynthia Enloe – Personal is International, international is personal. Acc to feminist IR is most masculinist nature of discipline, women are either absent or have marginal presence in IP.
    • Cynthia Enloe in her book “Bananas, Beaches and Bases”, makes feminist sense of IR.
    • She raise the question “where are the women”.
      • Women doesn’t have any effective presence in IR. Women are found in very inferior roles –
        • As workers in Banana plantation, ruled by MNCs subjected to exploitation.
        • Women are present as sex workers/comfort women in military bases.
        • Women are present as wives of diplomats hosting dinners.
      • These are the roles women have been given by the states. Even their own states compel them towards exploitation. We can give example of some third world countries (SE Asia), where women bodies (sex-tourism) has been used to earn profits.
    • There is a direct linkage between subordination of women and neglect of women in the theory of IR.
    • IR is dominated by realist perspective. Realists only emphasise on state security they ignore human security. Human security means women security. Women are most vulnerable in wars. Realist policies promote wars. Hence there is need to bring women perspective. If women views are given priority we can establish peace. Not only realists all other mainstream theories ignore voice of women.
    • Acc to feminist “man make war, because war make man”.
    • Ann J Tickner has targeted Mogenthau’s six principles and reformulated the principles of IP based on feminist approach.
    • Gender in IR, “Feminist perspective on achieving global security”.
    • Feminist theory has emerged as the most powerful challenge to hegemony of realism. From peripheral status in discipline, it is acquiring central stage.
    • Many countries are adopting feminist FP, Sweden is first in world to adopt, Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallstrom has given the essence of feminist FP. She recommends developed countries to pursue feminist perspective while giving aid to developing countries –
      • Feminist FP is based on recognition of limitation of conventional understanding of security.
      • It is based on experience of some in the real conflict situation.
      • It aims to strengthen human rights.
      • Countries should focus on rights of women not only during wars but even in peace times.
      • Feminist FP not just look at women as victims but also as agents of change.
      • If IR is about peace, feminist FP recommended strengthening rights of women.
      • We need to recognise the extremely dangerous consequences of the conventional approaches based on masculinist discourses.
    • Relevance of feminist FP in South Asia –
      • South Asia is most dangerous places in world.
      • There is a huge possibility of nuclear war in South Asia. The relations between India and Pak are consistently deteriorating, considering the status of security and safety of nuclear weapons in Pak, there is a possibility of terrorist acquiring nuclear weapons.
      • There is a growing influence of Jihadi elements in state of Pak.
      • There is a possibility of accidental use.
      • India can’t win a decisive war against Pak.
    • Pak has strategic balance vis-a-vis India –
      • Pak has greater number of nuclear weapons than India.
      • Pak is consistently upgrading its stock of fissile material (Pak is country blocking FMCT).
      • Pak is developing tactical nuclear weapons.
      • Pak is also developing second strike capability with the help of China.
    • Pak-China axis  – Though China has no FUP to show to the world but indirectly it has a FUP towards India through its proxy. Hence it is imperative for India to explore the options for peace.