PSIR Optional

Grassroot Democracy thinkers’ views

  • D.L Sheth – Grassroots movement or micro movements have become active in different parts of country since 70s. They represents disparate struggles of economically marginalised and socially excluded sections of the society. Many micro movements have combined together to form national level alliance to fight against Indian states to fight against globalisation. There is an impression that Indian state is increasingly getting aligned with foreign capital. Micro movements are counter veiling forces against global political and economic power.
  • Rajni Kothari – Mentions the rise of micro movement is a symbol of dissatisfaction with representational politics and institutional decline. There is a decline of political parties. Political parties have long abandoned movement aspect of politics and have reduced themselves to the electoral machines. Political parties operates at the grassroots level only at the time of election. Trade unions in India have been the junior partners and bargaining counters of political parties. Thus micro movements led by educated middle classes, have emerged in India.
  • Smita Kothari – Acc to her globalisation have revived grassroots movement around the world because of the destructive forces of development. Globalisation have also promoted the growth of movements for peace, human right and movements against corruption.