PSIR Optional

Interdependence in International Relations liberal theory

Interdependence in International Relations liberal theory

  • interdependence – 
    • Scholar – Richard Rosecrance, Thomas Friedman
    • Acc to Friedman the two countries having MacDonald chains do not go for war each other. They formed golden arches. They do not go for war because they prefer to stand in queue for burgers rather going to borders.
    • Economic interdependence is theme, when countries develop stakes in each other’s economy, it becomes difficult for them to go for war. For eg – there has been a considerable change in India-China relations since 1990s. However relations have stagnated with Pak.
    • Manmohan Doctrine was based on economic interdependence between India and Pak.
    • Glimpse of India-China on SAARC, SCO & SAFTA – 
      • India should revive SAARC, because major security threats are form north west. India is not reviving SAARC because China wants entry in SAARC, India does not want China. Once China has given entry to India in SCO it will be difficult for India not to reciprocate.
      • India should invite China.
      • Basic concern is SAFTA, India don’t want free trade with China.
      • India should invite china because –
        • SAARC is important for India’s access to central and west Asia.
        • More than SAARC it is essential for India to have peace with Pak. As rightly said by Vajpayi, we can’t we can’t change our neighbours but friends/enemy. We can change history but not geography.
        • There is a huge asymmetry between India and other South Asian neighbours, such an equation does not exist in other regions, it is natural for other neighbours to look for external balancers (the way south East Asian countries want India as balance)
        • India is notorious for not fulfilling the promises, it is said that INDIA PROMISES AND CHINA DELIVERS.
      • There is a huge gap of infrastructure in entire region, India also does not have sufficient capital. India is behaving like Ostrich thinking it can prevent entry of China in South Asia.
      • India’s alternative to SAARC is BIMSTEC. However China will not let BIMSTEC to be successful.
      • Rohingya’s crisis has a potential to spoil India’s relation with two countries – Myanmar and Bangladesh.