PSIR Optional

Liberal school of international politics

  • Liberal School of IP – 
    • First school in IP.
    • Came into existence in 1919.
    • It lost its appeal during interwar period.
    • It remained overshadowed by realism throughout Cold War.
    • With the end of Cold War in 1991, it emerged in its strongest form.
    • From 1991 to 2001 it has given a serious challenge to realism – there was a massive growth in international organisations, economic interdependence. However since 2001, it is again getting overshadowed by realism.
    • Presently it is the worst time for liberalism, the liberal world order is breaking down.
    • Uptill now challenge to liberal policies was coming from outside (non-western world). However at present breakdown has started in core region of liberalism. Eg – BREXIT, America first, USA-China trade war, Rise of left and right.
    • After the end of Cold War we see third major debate Neo-liberals challenging Neo-realists.
    • Intellectual Precursurs – 
    • Source of influence – 
      • Locke – Acc to him, if man has passions, man also has reasons. Hence man can use his reason to live in peace with others.
      • I. Kant – He has written a pamphlet titled perpetual peace. He dreamt/proposed certain measures so that there can be a peace among Eu states –
        • Promotion of free trade (protectionism leads to war).
        • Republicanism – Instead of monarchies, democracies are more conducive for war/peace because people do not want war, hence public opinion creates pressure, Govts will not go for war easily.
      • Richard Cobden – Acc to him if countries desired peace they should kick the politicians out.
      • Norman Angell – “The Great Illusion”, it is an illusion that wars benefit the victors. Actually war benefits none. Hence all big or small countries should avoid wars.
      • Woodrow Wilson – 14pt speech.
    • Schools of Liberalism – 
      • Liberal Institutionalism – 
        • Scholar – Woodrow Wilson, Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye.
        • Suggestion – To build international organisation/international law, global regime treaties because they provide platform for resolution of conflicts. In the absence of such platforms, war is the only option. It is better to fight at the table of diplomacy, rather on the borders.
          • This idea will work because man is rational, when countries make commitments at such platforms, it is not easy to defy the commitment because the pressure of world public opinion. Thus it put restraints on going for option of war outrightly.
          • Acc to Wilson international institutions can convert the jungle into zoo.
        • Building of institutions was very slow initially, even LON has not generated enough enthusiasm. However since the end of Cold War there is a massive growth of such organisations.
        • It is because of the growth of such organisations that Hedley talks about anarchical society.
        • Presently it seems that the faith in international organisation is getting eroded because USA has promoted such institution. However at present USA is coming out of most of the institutions claiming to take responsibility to maintain liberal world order. Besides China, France is also taking initiatives to strengthen the liberal order. India working with like minded countries is also trying to strengthen global regimes. India is constitutionally committed. Art 51 to strengthen International law. Developing countries would like strengthening of multilateralism.
        • Though there is increase in number but there is hardly any significant achievement of these institution in real sense. We are still continuing with the unresolved conflicts like Israel-Palestine issue, organisation. EU’s future is uncertain. SAARC is a jammed vehicle.
        • Similarly there is a question mark on WTO cooperation in field of climate change. There is no effective role of UN in crisis in Syria, Afghanistan. UN NAM has got out of relevance long time back.
        • This idea has not worked because acc to realists there is no room for such utopianism. Such ideas can never work. The structure of IP contain the choices overcome security dilemma.
        • In general following reasons can be given –
          • The institution suffer from crisis of legitimacy. They are neither representative nor transparent.
          • The countries controlling these institutions look these institutions as a platform for promotion of their own interest.
        • Joseph Mogee has given concept of Quasi Negotiations. In reality nobody is interested in resolution of conflicts. Nations participate in the negotiations just because they don’t want to take the blame of being spoilers. Every nation has “a joker card”. They’ll put forward such points to which others won’t agree, whenever they think negotiations are going against their interest.