PSIR Optional

Marxist theory of IR

Marxist Theory of IR – 
  • There is no Marxist theory of IR because in Marxism politics is a part of superstructure, hence we see marxist theory of International political economy (Marxist theory is about criticism of expansion of capitalism on global scale).
  • Contribution of Marx – Marx theory was limited to domestic politics that too in countries where capitalism was developed. However Marx knew the expansionist nature of capitalism, in the words of Marx, the search for profits led to Bourgeoise everywhere. Search for profits led Bourgeoise to settle everywhere. Marx the talks about proliterian internationalism. The real contribution to analysis of IP in Marxism comes from the leaders and scholars like Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg. Lenin in his book “imperialism the highest stage of capitalism” has discussed that capitalism is expansionist, the WW1 was war for colonies and root cause for exploitation and poverty in colonies is capitalist search for profits. Rosa modified Lenin by suggesting that capitalism is imperialist not in its highest stage but from the very beginning itself. Acc to her capitalism is imperialist, hence militarist and nationalist. Marxist theory was further developed by scholars of dependency school like AG Frank, Immanuel Wallerstein.
  • Contribution of Wallerstein – His theory is called as World System Theory.
    • Focus of Theory – Analysis of capitalism, its expansion on global scale.
    • Nature of Theory – It is grand sociological theory, based on basic concepts of dependency school. Wallestein has categorised the world systems into two –
      • Uptill 17th cent – Nature of world system was political. He gives example of Roman Empire. It was a centralised system of redistribution – Peripheries used to pay tributes and this centralised system used to redistribute.
      • Economic in nature, emerged in 17th cent, in 17th cent it was dominated by Holland, in 18th and 19th cent led by Britain, 20th cent led by USA. I
                        It is a decentralised system. There the redistribution happens through mechanism of market. World system has its spatial and temporal dimensions.
      • Core countries – Because everything is concentrated here. Concentration of economic power, political power, military power, technological power,  cultural power.
      • Peripheries – They have neither political power, nor economic power… no power.
      • Semi peripheries – Some countries of peripheries gained benefits and became separate from peripheries, they are the new exploiters. They are exploiting peripheries. They are actually working in the interest of core countries (bourgeoise of core countries). It is because of these countries, workers in core countries have suffered. Semi peripheries had adversely impacted the efforts of working class movement and environmental movements of western countries. Since they had some amount of industrial base, some member of skilled and semiskilled labour, capitalist in core countries shifted their operations to these countries once workers in western countries demanded higher wages. Similarly, because of environmental movements west bourgeoise have shifted old techs in these countries, these countries have poor environmental regulations. Hence they have contributed degradation of environment.
      •  Temporal Dimensions – Every world system has its life span, the present world system is moving towards its end. Actually it is a time for “Swan Song” for globalisation. Acc to Wallerstein capitalism has to end because we do not have any other option, humanity has only two options, either socialism or barbarianism. In the temporal trends he explains, cyclical rhythms, secular trends. It represent contradictions within capitalism.
      • Crisis – When system untimely collapses, Wallerstein also discusses, cultural dimension of world system. He calls cultural dimension as geo culture. There are two features of geo culture –
        • Science
        • Liberalism
                             Both promote capitalism.
      • Criticism – Marxist theory is criticised as economic reductionism, too much emphasis on single factor. Post Colonial scholars describe Marxist theory as Eurocentric.
  • Gramscian Theory – 
    • Scholar – Robert Cox – Social forces, state and world order ; Beyond the Theory of IR.
    • Focus – Understanding USA hegemony. It is not enough to explain IP by understanding the material structure alone. We have to understand how cultural, ideological factors also play the role. To understand USA hegemony we need to understand not just USA economic and military power but also its cultural and ideological power.
      • USA built hegemony by establishing liberal international, economic order. It benefitted USA the most. However USA convinced others that it is their interested. Thus USA’s hegemony emerged from its ability to manufacture consent or its leadership.
      • Acc to Cox theory is always written by someone for someone. The traditional theory of IP i.e realist theory as well as liberal theory is written ultimately for benefits of capitalist country.
  • Critical School – Emancipatory school.
      • Scholar – Andrew Linklater
      • This school is concerned about emancipation of masses. It can be achieved only when we make territorial boundaries irrelevant. Instead of territorial boundaries we should create moral boundaries, we should promote grassroots democracy, only when people at grassroots level are in power they can compel the elites to take responsible action. Instead of territorial boundaries create transnational CS networks.