PSIR Optional

Plato western political thought PSIR

Plato western political thought PSIR

Theories – 
  1. Theory of Souls – Myth of Metals, Gold (Reason), Silver (Courage), Copper (Appetite)
  2. Theory of Ideal State – Bases on God’s idea of justice, divided into three classes, each class performs their own their duties, ruled by pk, no private family, no family for guardian class.
  3. Theory of Ideas – “Reality is Shadow of Idea”.
  4. Theory of Justice – “Justice is a virtue. Justice is a supreme virtue, Justice is virtue of all virtues”. Right person at right place (T O Souls). Conversations between Cephalous, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus, Glaucon.
  5. Theory of Education – 50 yrs of formal education, two screenings for Sliver and Gold class.
  6. Theory of Communism – Two types of communism – 1. Communism of Property, 2. Communism of family or wives.
  7. Theory of Philosopher King – Qualities – Man of Reason, Eligibility – 50 yrs of formal education, Not allowed for private property and private family/wife. He is an absolute ruler. Pk’s knowledge is superior to that of law.
Plato on Feminism – 
  1. He gives equality of opportunity to women in both education as well as to become PQ.
  2. His theory of communism has a liberating influence for women.
Criticism of Plato – 
  1. Plato’s plan was to utilise talent of women in service of state. Hence his position as a first feminist is debatable.
  2. Karl Popper –
    1. Plato has created a highly regimented state.
    2. One can either be platonic or anti-platonic but can never be non-platonic.
    3. Plato is a magician.
    4. We are under the spell of Plato.
    5. Plato has created highly regimented society.
    6. Plato’s political program is identical to fascism.
  3. Plato’s political program is identical to fascism.